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  • Nurse Brenda - My Favourite Aunty Brenda Story | Alex Inspired

    Nurse Brenda

    Today marks a significant anniversary of our Aunt Brenda’s passing, after battling an extremely extensive illness. I feel it appropriate to share my favourite Aunt Brenda story today. I am reminded of her every time I…

  • Minneapolis Club Staff, Courtesy of the Minneapolis Club
    Genealogy History

    Onwards, to the Minneapolis Club!

    Treasure Hunting has been absolutely enthralling … it’s fascinating how far we’ve come; the mere click of a mouse and a few keystrokes can access information almost instantly. Through the power of the internet…

  • Genealogy

    The Hunt for Golden Treasure – Part One

    Straying from the norm of wedding posts, DIY and graphic design; this post is all about my Grandpa, Stanley Golden. The Hunt for Golden Treasure Begins! Interestingly enough, my Grandpa’s past is a bit…